Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcoming Holiday

Woohoo.. Holiday is coming. What should I do then? Zzzz... Sleeping all day sepertinya :c

Well, entah musti seneng atau sebel saat liburan datang. Apalagi liburan semester yang lamanya bisa sampai 1 bulan. Mungkin saat gue masih tinggal di rumah orang alias ngekos, gue masih bisa merasakan indahnya liburan. Karna dg datangnya liburan berarti juga bertambahnya waktu hura-hura gue (tanpa mikir utk ngejar waktu kuliah). Tapi sekarang, keadaan udah berubah. Gue udh stay dirumah dan hanya bersama nyokap gue. Stuck lah gue. . .

The only one thing that can make my day brighter than another day on my holiday is INTERNET CONNECTION. But, this last 2 days, the connection is in trouble. Aaarrrgghh... It ruins my mood. Can you imagine how bored I am ??!! Not only the internet connection, but also my telephone connection. Ya ya ya ya.. Such a perfect 1st day of my holiday. I can't browsing, I can't call my BF. Eerrrgghh...

I hope when the sun rising, everything will gonna be olrite and back in normal. So my holiday will become a perfect holiday. I hope so... Amien.

♥ kaЯRina ♥
Sent from my ßadßerry®

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